Pollen Drop 3D app for iPhone and iPad
This simple game is great fun for young and old alike.
You control our friendly little bee as it flies along trying to drop pollen on any flower it sees. You score points for each pollen ball that hits a flower or a bug.
On the game screen, you control the bee by using the left, right and up arrowed buttons. These move you left, right and (yep, you guessed it) up. You dont need to move downwards as gravity is constantly pulling the bee down. Hitting the down button throws a pollen ball out in front of the bee.
Easy right?
Maybe not so easy... flying towards our bee is a constant on-rush of green flies and blue flies. Avoid knocking into these or the various objects on the ground (you should be able to fly on the grass without getting knocked).
After three knocks the game is over.
When you are finally knocked out youll move on to the final score screen which also keeps a track of your high score.
Great looking visuals and a fantastic tune as you buzz along makes this a great distraction for the kids or a boring commute.